Thoughts about reality …

Photo credit - Samuel Zeller via

Photo credit – Samuel Zeller via

In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality.
Reality changes shape and meaning because of our activity.
And it is constantly new.
We are required to be there, as active participants. It can’t happen without us and nobody can do it for us.
~ Margaret Wheatley

Three lifelong learning courses

Photo credit - Luca Bravo via unsplash. com

Photo credit – Luca Bravo via unsplash. com

Have you engaged with MOOCs yet? They have been around for 5 years or so and have courses offered through leading global universities. You can engage in many of their courses for free. So if your answer to my question was “no”, my next question has to be “Why not?” They present great ways to engage in lifelong learning!

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