Last Hotham run; next run Japan


Dargo Valley – photo author’s own

As one ski season ends we ready ourselves for another … The snow is melting and the white cover is shrinking to reveal the plants that have been suppressed until now. They bounce back with vigour over the last days of the snow season. Season end brings many good-byes as well as the anticipation of the next – for us – Japan!


Last run – photo author’s own

last-run-8-copy 2016 snow season
The season has been a busy one for Monsieur Contrôleur who has some very long days in a season with challenging weather. The one refrain that sums it up: “I’m sick of working in the rain!” As always, he is ready for a change – and a rest.

The season has been good for me too, doing my mid-week CBD stints and mountain weekends. I too, happy to see the end of the season. I won’t miss the weekly highway drive – which has taken a toll on my general health in the last few weeks. Time for a rest for me too.

The excitement of change
As we prepare for our next stint in the snowfields, there is much to organise. Brainstorming, planning and long “To Do” lists will be the order of the day. We know this because we have been here before when our plans were derailed. We were so organised and everything fell into place – jobs, accommodation, house sitter, air fares, visas. So it was a big disappointment not to go. So much so, that in the weeks when we should have been in Japan’s “champagne powder” I could not bring myself to follow the stories of others on social media.

This time, we are going. I am quietly optimistic about this and cautiously excited! Everything is on track for me medically. My current work contract will end about 2 weeks prior to our departure.

New beginnings
The prospect of new beginnings is exciting. This new job in a new country presents lots of firsts. First time working Asia, first time in a paid ski school job. First time working AND travelling with Monsieur Contrôleur. New people. New culture. New places. New ways of operating. New food.  New me?

This is an opportunity to reinvent myself (in part). I will still be me at the core, but I always like to set myself an objective in the way I work. I like to focus on an area that I think I need to improve in or want to perform better in. In my current role, I have been working hard at maintaining a balance with work and life activities. That has been mostly good, although project deadlines mean some of the work hours have been more demanding lately.

I will be in a supervisory role, so this is a chance to focus on my people management skills. I will supervise a team of people on working holidays. Gen Y? Gen Z? Or is it millennials? Anyway, I am sure there will be challenges in it but it could also be fun!

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Image credit –

Japan – here we come!
We leave in early November and I start work at the end of the first week. Can’t wait! Hope to be able to share some interesting posts about the new gig and lifestyle!  Stay tuned, while we work through those lists and arrangements.

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