Managing yourself at work

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on

Work takes up a lot of our lives, energy and emotions. Keeping work manageable takes a lot of effort, and sometimes a lot of help. There are many pieces to the puzzle and solving it is not always obvious. Not everyone has access to the sort of help needed. How would it be if help, guidance and advice about managing yourself at work was made available? 

Modern workplace challenges 
Modern workplaces can be challenging places to work. There are time pressures, budget pressures and performance pressures. All workplaces have them – although they may seem to be dressed up in different ways.

Workplaces can be highly political, very competitive and rather unpredictable. This can mean that career progression is not straightforward. How do you manage yourself in these sorts of organisations with these circumstances?

Learning to meet the challenges
We can learn to meet these challenges. There are a number of ways to do this that include attending courses, getting support and advice from mentors and coaches and expanding your professional reading. These are not always available to everyone, so I propose to provide some of these resources here.

New! Managing yourself series
Each week I’ll feature a new topic about managing yourself. I’ll do the research and present background that helps understand these topics. They will ll explore a range of areas and will include practical tips and suggestions. The material will be there for you to engage with and learn from. However, this cannot happen in a vacuum. Your input is invited and welcomed.

An invitation to provide topic suggestions
Help me to offer topics that resonate with you, the readers of this blog. What are the things that present challenges for you or people you know? What are the topics that you would think would be interesting to explore and hear discussions about? Help me out here by commenting below or sending me your suggestions privately 
hereI look forward to hearing from you!

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