A decent proposal …
Friends of ours recently got engaged. They had been together for five years before the question was popped, at the summit of a snow-covered slope. The excitement and happiness of the moment is evident in their faces. Smiles. Shining eyes. Gazing at the engagement ring. It is just the beginning. But that beginning – that proposal – is important.
There are many kinds of proposals. Each of them brings different reactions. Some cry. Some shriek. Others laugh. Some are predictable, others unexpected. All of them bring a well of emotion to those involved. It is a special moment and deserves a decent proposal.
I will never forget my own experience. It was also on a snowy slope. Monsieur Contrôleur surprised me. After a morning of skiing drills followed by lunch, we went back to the beginner slopes. I groaned inwardly, thinking I was still on the drills. However, he distracted me by wanting to a take a photo to one side of the run. And, when I wasn’t expecting it he asked me to marry him. I was blown away. Moved to tears (of joy) and laughter – all at once. It was a great moment.
Proposals are generally happy occasions when there is mutual agreement. At those times, joy, excitement and love are the predominant emotions. In a world where a lot of bad news is prevalent and promoted through the media, a proposal brings a welcome change.
I have decided to do a little project featuring stories about proposals. The prospect is that I share the stories of lots of proposals. You share the joy of the story and the couple vicariously. I would really like to introduce some novel proposals. So while I go about collecting my stories to report, perhaps you would consider sharing your own story?
Could I publish yours? Would you share your joy with others? Think about it. Such generosity of spirit may have untold benefits for the recipients. Email me if you are interested.
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[…] my post A decent proposal, I invited people to share their proposal stories with me. I was delighted to receive this one – […]