Category archive: Humans of …

Monsieur Controleur’s passion for skiing

Ross in 2012

I don’t really like talking about myself. It’s not that  … I just don’t know what’s interesting to someone else. I’ve done a lot of things in my life but currently my main vocation is that I’m a ski instructor.

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What is your biggest regret?

A chalkboard was placed on a street in New York City for one day. It asked people to write their biggest regret, and they did. They didn’t put things like driving a new car or living in a particular place. Instead … they wrote things like

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6 reasons I love living in Melbourne

Melbourne coffee

For several years, Melbourne has been the winner of the most liveable city award in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) liveability survey.  It doesn’t surprise me. I love it – and here are six reasons why.

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Straight into the extreme zone – John and Joy’s story

John & Joy

What are the decision-making processes that people go through to take up a flexible lifestyle?  Is it a process of logical analysis and preparation?  Well possibly – but like skiing, it is a dynamic sport.  There are always changes in the terrain that you don’t expect.

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