Category archive: Lifestyle

Thoughts about challenges

What your (3)

If you take each challenge one step at a time, with faith in every footstep, your strength and understanding will increase.
~ James Faust

Photo credit – Lee Roylland via Unsplash

What’s your personal brand?

Brand you

Personal brand? Brand “you”? Building your brand? Differentiating yourself? What does it all mean?

And … does it even matter if you are living a flexible life?

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What can you learn from social media?

Social media graphic

Many think of social media as providing recreational social activity. In fact, there are many social platforms that provide channels for social learning.

What’s social learning?

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Three discoveries about flexible lifestyles

Sunset on closing day 2015 ski season

This photo was the last day of the 2015 ski season at Mt Hotham. Shrinking snow and rich sunsets signalling the end of another winter as the population of the village shrinks. People return to other places and other parts of their lives, lodges are cleaned and closed.

What’s next in this flexible life plan?

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Are you living the life you want?

Photo credit - David Marcu via Unsplash

Photo credit – David Marcu via Unsplash

I recently read a post entitled Leading the Life you Want which I thought was worth sharing. Achieving your life goals probably has timeless appeal in the busy world of work. So why is this article worthy of mention? I think because it is positive. It provides success stories as well as the elements that each of us might hone to our own bespoke lifestyle.

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