Category archive: Lifestyle

How to make your vocation your vacation …

Liz at Hotham 2015

One of the lodge manager stalwarts at Mt Hotham is Liz Hanger. In her third season now, it is hard to believe her initial reaction to a suggestion of working in a ski resort was – “oh … I think I’m passed that!” Instead she has done just that, turning her new vocation into her vacation.

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Do you think about your “use-by” date?


I was sitting on a bus, listening to the conversations going on around me when one stood out.  The topic was “use-by” dates. I was obliged to listen because one of the conversationalists was speaking rather loudly.  They were debating the usefulness and validity of use-by dates, noting that some people observe them conscientiously and others take little or no notice and seem to be okay.  It got me thinking about my use by date …

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Straight into the extreme zone – John and Joy’s story

John & Joy

What are the decision-making processes that people go through to take up a flexible lifestyle?  Is it a process of logical analysis and preparation?  Well possibly – but like skiing, it is a dynamic sport.  There are always changes in the terrain that you don’t expect.

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Can you walk to work?

My walk to work

How do you get to work? Are you sardined into a commuter train/tram/bus lurching in unison with the vehicle’s motion? Do you drive in a swarm of traffic that leaves you stressed and anxious at the start of the day? Or, do you walk to work like a do – along a pathway like this?

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Who I am and why I’m here


Photo credit – Shlomit-Wolf via Unsplash

As part of this blog I am engaging in some blogging projects.  I completed a photo 101 project some months ago and learnt lots of new tricks.  Now it is time to fine-tune some blog writing skills.

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The truths we live by

Field of red, white and pink tulips

Photo – author’s own

I used to work in a world where the question “How are you?” was answered with “busy”.  That was considered a positive response.  I don’t miss those days.  But have I found a new truth?

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