Do you want an inspired life?
I read an interesting article about things you can do to boost your creativity and insight. It comes from research from neuroscience which has fascinating insights into what our brains can do. You know – when an answer to a problem “pops” into your head, or you arrive at it after more methodical problem solving processes.
Well it is suggested there are 8 things to do. That is the way of social media it seems – offer a solution in a number of steps. You know up front if it is a list you are interested in digesting or not. Well here goes. This article is from the Washington Post.
Eight things to do to boost creativity and insight.
Positive mood – creativity flows from a state of feeling safe or secure
Large spaces – perceptual attention is related to conceptual attention. Cramped space can leda to cramped thoughts!
Avoid sharp objects – sharp edges and pointy features can cause a subtle, unconscious feeling of threat.
The colours of nature – outdoor colours eg of sky, trees promotes relaxation, and in turn a feeling of safety to expand your thinking.
Take a break – when struggling with a problem you can get fixated on it. Take a break let ideas bubble up to the surface.
Sleep – if you are struggling with something – take a nap! You might be asleep but your brain keeps working, resulting in memory consolidation and boosted creativity.
Do nothing – allows the brain to have a rest for conscious thought. Unconsciously it churns over association and can lead to an insight into something.
Take a shower – let your mind wander while doing something that does not require conscious thought. The sensation of water on your body and the white noise of the shower enables you to turn your thoughts inward – and perhaps daydream? Often great ideas result.
(Brigid Schulte, Do these eight things and you will be more creative and insightful, neuroscientists say, 6 July 2015, Washington Post
So all of these things are designed to give your brain a break from thinking/processing in particular ways. They are all things to enhance the “daydream factor” where you mull over things without really trying too hard and ideas naturally gel. It doesn’t mean you don’t use formal problem solving – just not as the only approach.
What I like about them is that they are essentially do-able. You don’t need to have special equipment or skills to execute them. I’m going to give them a try. Will you?