How to grow new brain cells
I have just enrolled in a new course called Learning How To Learn. Why? (You may well ask). To grow new brain cells!
But can I?
I have just enrolled in a new course called Learning How To Learn. Why? (You may well ask). To grow new brain cells!
But can I?
Photo credit – Robert Tumini via Unsplash
A woman is human.
She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative, or more responsible than a man.
Likewise, she is never less.
Equality is a given.
A woman is human.
~Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration
Photo credit – Austin Schmid via Unsplash
If you can learn how to ride a bike you can learn how to be happy.
~ Matthieu Ricard, Happiest Man In The World
Photo credit – Harman Wardani via Unpslash
To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
~ Arthur Ashe
As a person who likes to help people, it has been interesting to find saying “no” sometimes gets a better outcome. But for whom?
If you take each challenge one step at a time, with faith in every footstep, your strength and understanding will increase.
~ James Faust
Photo credit – Lee Roylland via Unsplash
Email is central to most business and personal communication these days. What does your email say about YOU?