Do you think about your “use-by” date?
I was sitting on a bus, listening to the conversations going on around me when one stood out. The topic was “use-by” dates. I was obliged to listen because one of the conversationalists was speaking rather loudly. They were debating the usefulness and validity of use-by dates, noting that some people observe them conscientiously and others take little or no notice and seem to be okay. It got me thinking about my use by date …
Straight into the extreme zone – John and Joy’s story
What are the decision-making processes that people go through to take up a flexible lifestyle? Is it a process of logical analysis and preparation? Well possibly – but like skiing, it is a dynamic sport. There are always changes in the terrain that you don’t expect.
Can you walk to work?
How do you get to work? Are you sardined into a commuter train/tram/bus lurching in unison with the vehicle’s motion? Do you drive in a swarm of traffic that leaves you stressed and anxious at the start of the day? Or, do you walk to work like a do – along a pathway like this?
Do you want an inspired life?
I read an interesting article about things you can do to boost your creativity and insight. It comes from research from neuroscience which has fascinating insights into what our brains can do.
Thoughts on happiness …
Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you’ll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap.
~ William Bennett Former US Secretary of Education
Photo credit – Mary Bird
Tips for managing unconscious bias
Unconscious bias has become one of the “buzz terms” of organisational life. The good news is everyone has unconscious biases. The bad news is the same. So what can we do about it?