Point of reflection: 500th blog post
The Word from a Bird blog has reached a milestone: 500 blog posts! I nearly fell off my perch when I realised this. 500 blog posts over three years = thousands of words, lots of late nights and learning along the way. This was all made possible by you.
Thank you for your support and encouragement
To those who read this blog, I thank you for your following. Readers I know often tell me when a topic I presented has given them inspiration or food for thought for the day. I appreciate the feedback and am encouraged to know the material has been informative.
Thank you for those who have contributed ideas and those who have allowed me to share their stories. They are definitely popular and earn more “hits” from a wider readership.
Metacognition and the writing process
Writing a blog about learning opens you up to reflecting on your own learning. This metacognition – learning about learning, knowing about knowing and thinking about thinking – is what results. The writing process facilitates your learning, knowing and thinking about topics. As you work to distil ideas to present, you reflect on the concepts and the best way to promote clarity in the same.
If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
~ Albert Einstein
Good news going forward
A “glitch” in the software of the theme I chose for my blog has meant that readers have not been able to comment on posts from mobile devices. Good news! It is fixed – not by my in-house technician (Mr Contrôleur) – but by me! Fossicking around in the back-end of the blog platform, I managed to find the right settings to amend to enable the “comments” functionality. So – I look forward to receiving more comments directly on the blog now including feedback about the stories, or ideas for others. Feel free to leave yours!
Surprises and challenges on the journey
I have managed to keep the blog going regardless of our flexible work and living arrangements. It does take a bit of balancing though – sourcing ideas, researching and then composing the posts – in and around the demands of paid work and variable health.
Despite these challenges, the blog presents reasons to stay in touch with areas of interest to me. It’s my personal learning, an avenue for professional development achieved by keeping up with developments and research, to use in things I write. That the blog would do this for me was a pleasant surprise. And so, the journey goes on …