Tag archive: authenticity

A rockstar’s perspective on leadership

Photo credit - www.telegram.com

Photo credit – www.telegram.com

Nicknamed “The Boss”, Bruce Springsteen earned this title in the 1960s when he played with a band called Earth. He was responsible for collecting the band’s fee from club owners and distributing it to band members. This real rockstar “boss” exemplifies the leadership qualities many admire.

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Background image

Background image credit – pexels.com

Following my post Storytelling truths – the teller, this one focuses on the second truth – truth to the audience. As Guber says, stories that move and captivate people are those that are true to the teller, the audience, the moment, and the mission.

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Thoughts about truth …

Photo credit - Alexandre Peretto via unsplash.com

Photo credit – Alexandre Peretto via unsplash.com

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
~ Winston Churchill

Storytelling truths – the teller

Photo credit - unsplash.com

Photo credit – unsplash.com

Can you remember a good story? Well if it was good, it was probably memorable. But why? What makes the difference between stories you remember and those you don’t?

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