Tag archive: growth mindset

Thoughts about resilience …

Country scene with barbed wire fence

Photo credit – Art Wave via unsplash.com

The moment we believe that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability as opposed to resilience and hard work, we will be brittle in the face of adversity.
~ Joshua Waitzkin

Title slide - How to learn resilience

Photo credit – Christian Spies via unsplash.com

Why do some people seem to be resilient?

Is it a consequence of upbringing? Circumstance? Luck? Research shows it comes down to perspective – and that’s something you can shape.

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What is your biggest regret?

A chalkboard was placed on a street in New York City for one day. It asked people to write their biggest regret, and they did. They didn’t put things like driving a new car or living in a particular place. Instead … they wrote things like

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Thoughts on the best …

Colours of summer2

The most effective way
to achieve right relations
with any living thing
is to look for the best in it,
and then help that best
into the fullest expression. 
~J. Allen Boone, Kinship
with all Life

Photo – author’s own

Thoughts on self-change …

School steps looking up

Photo credit – Carlos Martinez via Unsplash

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
~ Nelson Mandela

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