Ageing, we are all doing it. We are sold stories every day that we can slow it down or even stop it. But for me the biggest limitations are self inflicted. My first reaction to each challenge that presents itself these days is “I’m too old for this”, and it should really be “I am old enough to take this on.”
Good on you for noticing your reaction to challenges and the choices available. One of benefits of having years of experience (and hopefully some accrued wisdom) is that you recognise the signs challenges evoke in us! One thing stays the same – we always make choices.
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Ageing, we are all doing it. We are sold stories every day that we can slow it down or even stop it. But for me the biggest limitations are self inflicted. My first reaction to each challenge that presents itself these days is “I’m too old for this”, and it should really be “I am old enough to take this on.”
AuthorGood on you for noticing your reaction to challenges and the choices available. One of benefits of having years of experience (and hopefully some accrued wisdom) is that you recognise the signs challenges evoke in us! One thing stays the same – we always make choices.